Do Not Neglect The Spiritual

Our Heavenly Father’s Love is constant.  Everything on this earth is temporary in one form or another.  These are Truths you can count on!

I was around in the 1970’s when interest rates soared to the 15% range and higher.  The word mortgage means death’s grip and its definition has not changed thus is still relevant.

The graph below provides a picture of the growth of global debt since the early 1970’s when inflation was curbed by Paul Volker of the Federal Reserve raised rates in order to fight it. Those times were difficult for many but today’s financial issues are much greater for those in debt.

I don’t expect you to fully understand the details in this graph but we should understand the following:

High debt is bad.

Low/no debt is good.

Global debt has grown from 100% of all global output in a year to 256%.  That is bad.  You and I would have trouble borrowing money if our debt to income ratio had soared in a similar manner.

Once debt reaches these levels and at the same time, interest rates are pushed upward, something is going to break globally.  This is not about instilling fear but to prepare you for the unexpected… and it can happen overnight or over a weekend.

Our focus should be on the Spiritual rather than on the physical.  If you do not focus on the Spiritual, your heart will become hardened and your faith will shrink.

Mark wrote by The Holy Spirit in Mark chapter 6:

Mark 6:

45 After everyone had their meal, Jesus instructed His disciples to get back into the boat and go on ahead of Him and sail to the other side to Bethsaida.

46 So He dispersed the crowd, said good-bye to his disciples, then slipped away to pray on the mountain.

47 As night fell, the boat was in the middle of the lake and Jesus was alone on land.

48 The wind was against the disciples and He could see that they were straining at the oars, trying to make headway. When it was almost morning, Jesus came to them, walking on the surface of the water, and He started to pass by them.

49 When they all saw Him walking on the waves, they thought He was a ghost and screamed out in terror. But He said to them at once, “Don’t yield to fear. Have courage. It’s really Me— I Am!”

51 Then He came closer and climbed into the boat with them, and immediately the stormy wind became still. They were completely and utterly overwhelmed with astonishment

52 because they failed to learn the lesson of the miracle of the loaves, and their hearts were unwilling to learn the lesson.

The disciples allowed the storm to rob their focus and their hearts were hardened.  They failed to embrace the feeding of the five thousand.  We must focus our attention on The Word knowing that storms are on the horizon.  Let us protect our hearts and expect miracles to happen to us, for us, and around us.

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