Tuning In To FATHER’S Words

Your mind has a “tuner” in it and you can tune out the world and tune in the Words Our Heavenly Father speaks.  However, the opposite is also true.

The first time I heard FATHER speak to me was at about 1 PM on a Friday afternoon in August of 1972.  HE instructed me to go to a certain tall building in downtown Oklahoma City where there was a part-time job for me while I completed college.  Little did I know that it was a bank.  That is how I began my career in banking.  I submitted to HIS Divine Intent.  I had never considered working at a bank.  Am I special?  No more than you.

Wisdom records in Proverbs chapter 4:

20   Listen carefully, my dear child, to everything that I teach you, and pay attention to all that I have to say.

21 Fill your thoughts with My Words until they penetrate deep into your spirit.

We are to “tune in” to FATHER’S Word and tune out the world.  You can’t have it both ways for it is like trying to hear two conversations at the same time.

22 Then, as you unwrap (discover) My Words, They will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being.

Do you want to live with radiant health?  The word radiant means: sending out light; shining or glowing brightly.  Father’s Word ultimately will produce radiance in you and me and that state will draw people unto us.

23 So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.

We must diligently guard our hearts at all cost.  This can be a notable challenge in today’s world.  Our first priority is to renew our minds daily with The Word.  By doing this, our hearts become more sensitive which results in our actions being aligned with FATHER’S Divine Intent.

How do we keep our hearts sensitive?  The next verses instruct us:

24 Avoid dishonest speech and pretentious words. Be free from using perverse words no matter what!

25 Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

26 Watch where you’re going! Stick to the path of Truth, and the road will be safe and smooth before you.

27 Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked for even a moment or take the detour that leads to darkness.

Wisdom gives us specific instructions to guard our hearts and keep them sensitive to hearing FATHER’S Word.  The more sensitive our hearts are, the easier it is to hear FATHER.  We must be willing to change in order to mature into the fullness of walking as Sons and Daughters. 

It is vital that we set our “tuners” to hear what FATHER is saying so that we can be a blessing to others just as Jesus was and is.  We will be blessed in all that we set our hands to no matter what state the global economy is in.

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