The Power to get Wealth

People strive to get wealth and influence.  Often their motivation is due to an orientation of scarcity and the current economic system promotes this view.  Advertisers attempt to convince us that we lack something and must purchase their product to be fulfilled.  People are sucked into debt by this scarcity mentality only to see themselves in greater scarcity.  The current economic system would have us believe that wealth will solve our problems.  But time and time again we hear stories of lottery winners leading disastrous lives after they receive their windfall.

How is wealth obtained?  Deuteronomy 8:17 "then you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.’  Men believe they have a special gift to acquire wealth that sets them apart from others.  They exalt themselves as being entitled.  Their arrogance sets them up for a fall.  Why?  They don’t understand the purpose of wealth.

What is the purpose of wealth?    It is to establish the Covenant of Our Heavenly Father on earth:  Deuteronomy 8:18    "And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”

HIS Covenant is based on Love and Love serves mankind.  We are called to be good stewards of the wealth HE had directed our way.  Stewardship implies acquiring and maintaining assets for  current and future use.  If you want to establish the Kingdom of GOD on earth, you must be prepared to mobilize the wealth you have been given to steward.

Every paycheck is a prosperity test.  If you don’t honor Our Heavenly Father first, how can you expect to participate in establishing HIS Covenant.  Every farmer know you must plant seed in order to reap a harvest.  It must be planted in good ground.  Giving into man’s kingdom does not produce fruit in Our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom.  You must ask Our Heavenly Father where to give your firstfruits.  Each and every month my wife and I ask Our Heavenly Father where HE wants HIS finances to go.  Not all of the firstfruits will be tax deductible.  HE may have you bless an adversary.  HE may have you give a server at the local restaurant an exceptional tip.  HE may have your bless a widow in another state.  Servias Ministries was set up to be a conduit of blessing to mankind and to establish The Kingdom of GOD on earth.  If HE tells you to send us the firstfruits to distribute, we will.  If HE tells you to send money directly to an individual or other organization, do it.

Prosperity has been given a bad name.  However, Our Heavenly Father specifically deals with prosperity and its intent.  If we will “get to give” rather than “give to get”, we will be found worthy to steward over greater wealth.

Is Our Heavenly Father first in your life?  “Tithing” removes the curse of scarcity.  Men want to argue the legality of tithing or that tithing is no longer necessary or required.  Love does not require you to tithe, Love simply gives you the choice.  Giving of your firstfruits is a straightforward way to allow Our Heavenly Father to broaden your influence.  Am I telling you to bypass paying your bills?  No.  I would suggest that you adjust your lifestyle and live below your means rather than living on the edge.  If you simplify your life, you require less and can invest more in the Kingdom.  Our Heavenly Father is looking for obedience, not sacrifice.  As you develop an obedience to honor HIM first with your productiveness, you allow Love to respond.

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