Walking In Truth: Part 4

It is only the Truth you know that makes you free! Embracing lies puts you into greater slavery.

Only “GOD breathed” Truth can originate from the Throne Room of Heaven, not from the minds of men.

Jesus spoke in the Gospel of John in chapter 8:

31  Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him, When you continue to embrace all that I teach, you prove that you are My True followers.

32 For if you embrace the Truth, It will release more freedom into your lives.”

How can we embrace all that Jesus taught if we don’t know His Words and keep them at the forefront in our minds?  The Truth makes me free and there is no reason to return to the old man who was enslaved by the world’s narrative.

Jesus continued as He addressed the Pharisees:

44 “You are the offspring of your father, the devil, and you serve your father very well, passionately carrying out his desires. He’s been a murderer right from the start! He never stood with the One who is the true Prince, for he’s full of nothing but lies—lying is his native tongue. He is a master of deception and the father of lies!

Could Jesus have made it any plainer than what He spoke about the adversary!

45 But I am the True Prince who speaks nothing but the Truth, yet you refuse to believe and you want nothing to do with Me.

We need to live our lives based on a standard of Truth.  Man relies on physical standards for measuring distance, time, volumes, etc.  Moreover we need Truth as the Standard for society to properly function.  Without a standard, men will exploit the unsuspecting.

Wisdom wrote in Proverbs chapter 16:

11  Honest weights and scales are the LORD’s; All the weights in the bag are His work.

Wisdom also wrote in Proverbs chapter 20:

10  Differing weights and differing measures, Both of them are abominable to the LORD.

How would you like to buy necessities with packaging that has been redefined every time you purchase them?  Isn’t that happening with what the world deems “inflation”?

When the U.S. went off the gold standard in 1971, it allowed those in power to print money without any valuable backing.  Once your currency is no longer backed by physical value, you have begun the path of lies and control by others.

This path has allowed the U.S. to manipulate not only the population of the U.S., but the entire world for over five decades.  If you studied the history of money, you would find that this path has been taken over and over with the final results always being the same: the fall of a nation.

Russia and China are in the process of decoupling their economies from the U.S. Dollar and I believe this is why those in power are fighting against them so aggressively.  It is all about power and control.

If you have a genuine one ounce silver coin in your hand, nobody controls it but you.  If you have a U.S. one dollar bill in your hand, its value is not constant but will continue to lose value over time.  Precious metals support Truth whereas fiat currency supports lies.  It is that simple.  As it is written in Proverbs “Differing weights and measures are an abomination to THE LORD”.

How will this all play out?  How long before there is a monetary crisis?  Only FATHER knows for sure, but at least, you have been made aware.  Let those with ears to hear and eyes to see understand what is happening all around us.  This is why it is imperative to move toward full maturity in The Truth!

PS:  Digital currency is the ultimate means of control.  Your money can be “turned off” in an instant if you are not compliant to the latest set of rules issued by those in power.

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