FATHER’S Judgment Will Come

Be assured, FATHER will judge the sins of those who reject Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 3:

4   God will always be proven faithful and true to His Word, while people are proven to be liars. This will fulfill what was written in the Scriptures:

Your Words will always be vindicated and You will rise victorious when You are being tried by Your critics!”


10   And the Scriptures agree, for it is written: There is no one who always does what is right, no, not even one!

11 There is no one with true Spiritual insight, and there is no one who seeks after God alone.

12 All have deliberately wandered from God’s ways. All have become depraved and unfit. Kindness has disappeared from them all, not even one is good.

13 Their words release a stench, like the smell of death—foul and filthy! Deceitful lies roll off their tongues. The venom of a viper drips from their lips.

14 Bitter profanity flows from their mouths, only meant to cut and harm.

15 They are infatuated with violence and murder.

16 They release ruin and misery wherever they go.

17 They never experience the path of peace.

Those who are currently in power seek to start war without regard to misery and ruin for those who are used as pawns.  There is no one with a “shepherd’s” heart among them.  They are consumed with self-interest.

18 They shut their eyes to the awe-inspiring God!

19 Now, we realize that everything the Law says is addressed to those who are under its authority. This is for two reasons: So that every excuse will be silenced, with no boasting of innocence. And so that the entire world will be held accountable to God’s standards.

20 For by the merit of observing the Law no one earns the status of being declared righteous before God, for it is the Law that fully exposes and unmasks the reality of sin.

The current conflict in Europe is all about power and money.  The people of Ukraine are the pawns at this point.  The adversary is using those who have become his vessels of dishonor, those who have rejected Jesus Christ, to carry out his plan of world dominance.  The challenges the average person has are two-fold: a short memory and the inability to truly see the big picture.

FATHER has a perfect memory and has all the facts which support the absolute Truth!

FATHER exposed me to the current global financial system from 1995 to 2005.  I made several trips to Europe in multiple attempts to raise funds for third world infrastructure projects which would help the poor in need.  The experience was eye-opening to say the least.  The U.S. Federal Reserve controlled the movement of funds around the world and still does… barely.  This is the big issue with Russia and China.  I abhor war and the shedding of blood, but I understand that countries do not want to be enslaved by other countries’ leaders.

Do you want to be enslaved like the children of Israel when they were slaves of the Egyptians?  How would the devil enslave you and me now?  It is done by replacing our physical money with digital currency.  Once the nefarious ones accomplish this “reset”, you will be fully controlled by this new system.  It will determine what you can buy and where you can go geographically speaking. 

The infrastructure is currently being “built out” to accomplish this plan.  There are buildings being built at strategic locations with floor to ceiling computer servers populating the entire building.  They are being erected close to electrical substations and major Internet “pipelines”.  The Executive Orders are already in place to authorize the “build out” for massive digital currency usage.

Who do you think funded Amazon, Facebook, etc. for years while they were unprofitable?

JFK was assassinated after he attempted to remove power from the Federal Reserve by Executive Order 11110 to establish silver certificates versus Federal Reserve Notes.  Upon his death, Johnson immediate rescinded this EO.

Why do you think the current president is begging the Saudi’s to stay with the petrodollar rather than align with Russia and China who are moving to a gold standard?

Why do you think Saddam was removed from Iraq?  He wanted to sell oil for gold instead of the U.S Dollar.  Where were the weapons of mass destruction?  Where did the gold go that his country possessed?

Why are the prices of gold and silver being suppressed and manipulated by primary New York banks?  The list goes on.

We are in a spiritual battle like no other.  Only FATHER knows the Truth and all the facts of those questions above.  It is critical that we be fully Spirit-led and focus on renewing our minds like never before.  The Remnant will respond to the power and authority from Heaven as always.  FATHER is not lax concerning HIS Sons and Daughters.  Don’t let the world divert your focus now.  Don’t fall asleep at this crucial time in history!

It is all about the Spiritual and that is where our solutions to the current situation reside. HIS Love for us is greater than any plan by the adversary!

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