Healing Is For All: Part 3

Every believer is given power and authority over demons.  The key is to never fear or be hesitant to exercise this authority!

The ministry of healing and deliverance must become a reality in your life, and this is accomplished by immersion in The Word. We must set aside the world’s inputs which are designed to create impurities within us, making us of none effect in the spiritual realm.  I know, FATHER had a corrective interview with me concerning this Truth.

Matthew wrote by The Holy Spirit in chapter 12:

22  Then a man was brought before Jesus who had a demon spirit that made him both blind and unable to speak. Jesus healed him instantly, and he could see and talk again!

23 The crowds went wild with amazement as they witnessed this miracle. And they kept saying to one another, “Could this man be the Messiah?”

And in Matthew 9:

32  While they were leaving, some people brought before Jesus a man with a demon spirit who couldn’t speak.

33 Jesus cast the demon out of him, and immediately the man began to speak plainly. The crowds marveled in astonishment, saying, “We’ve never seen miracles like this in Israel!”

Are you believing for a major move of GOD?  Jesus shows us how to… by operating in the power and authority granted to us.  Would you rather spend time researching the Internet for the best medicine to treat a symptom or simply immerse yourself in The Word and begin operating in this same power and authority given to us by Jesus Himself?

Mark wrote by The Holy Spirit in chapter 9:

17    man spoke up out of the crowd. “Teacher,” he said, “I have a son possessed by a demon that makes him mute. I brought him here to You, Jesus.

18 Whenever the demon takes control of him, it knocks him down, and he foams at the mouth and gnashes his teeth, and his body becomes stiff as a board. I brought him to Your disciples, hoping they could deliver him, but they were not strong enough.”

19 Jesus said to the crowd, “Why are you such a faithless people? How much longer must I remain with you and put up with your unbelief? Now, bring the boy to Me.”

Faith comes by immersing ourselves in The Word!

20 So they brought him to Jesus. As soon as the demon saw him, it threw the boy into convulsions. He fell to the ground, rolling around and foaming at the mouth.

Notice how the demons try to promote fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

21 Jesus turned to the father and asked, “How long has your son been tormented like this?” “Since childhood,” he replied.

22 “It tries over and over to kill him by throwing him into fire or water. But please, if You’re able to do something, anything—have compassion on us and help us!”

23 Jesus said to him, “What do you mean ‘if’? If you are able to believe, all things are possible to the believer.”

24 When he heard this, the boy’s father cried out with tears, saying, “I do believe, Lord; help my little faith!”

25 Now when Jesus saw that the crowd was quickly growing larger, He commanded the demon, saying, “Deaf and mute spirit, I command you to come out of him and never enter him again!

Jesus was not intimidated by the demon, and neither should we.  Secondly, Jesus addressed the fact that the demon could return and demonize the boy again, so He dealt with that issue as well.

26 The demon shrieked and threw the boy into terrible seizures and finally came out of him! As the boy lay there, looking like a corpse, everyone thought he was dead.

27 But Jesus stooped down, gently took his hand, and raised him up to his feet, and he stood there completely set free!

28 Afterwards, when Jesus arrived at the house, His disciples asked Him in private, “Why couldn’t we cast out the demon?”

29 He answered them, “This type of powerful spirit can only be cast out by fasting and prayer.”

What should we fast?  Whatever is taking our focus away from the pure Word.  I prefer to begin the day by praying in The Holy Spirit which sets the stage for being sensitive to whatever THE SPIRIT is directing for the day.

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