Archive for January, 2011

2011 Financial Optimism

Sunday, January 9th, 2011

Many Investors are optimistic about the stock market for 2011.  Many think the market will grow by 20% this year and very few believe the market will go sideways.  For whatever reason, all of the problems of 2009-2010 seem to no longer matter.  The states have a funding problem.  Housing prices are not expected to improve in the foreseeable future.  Quantitative easing which causes inflation seems to be acceptable now.  The government deficit and liabilities are astronomical and nobody has a solution to a resolution that will not decimate our children and grandchildren.  How quickly do we forget and deny these structural flaws in our system.

Denial and blindness are taking hold once again.  Logical conclusions do not apply when the masses are addicted to leverage and spending.  In the early ‘90’s I was working for a company where I earned a healthy salary.  I knew I would be leaving in early 1993 and start my own business again.  We had become accustomed to the standard of living supported by my salary.  It was extremely difficult to curb our spending prior to my departure.  There was such an emotional tie to spending money and there were many “corrective” discussions concerning our monthly spending habits.  Once I departed, we suffered an emotional “hit” adjusting to a new lower level of spending that comes with starting a new business venture.

Currently, the U.S. Dollar is the least ugly of the ugly sisters.  The Euro crisis caused the relative strength of the Dollar but the ultimate test was to compare the Dollar to hard assets.  Short term volatility masks the underlying problem of Dollar depreciation.  A sovereign debt crisis could move all currencies in a downward spiral.  The FDIC closed 157 banks last year and 2 were closed yesterday.  Most of these banks were smaller but since the Fed provided funding for the “too big to fail” group, the closures misrepresent the health of the financial system.  The amount of toxic debt on the banks’ balance sheets is still a mystery to most of us.

Oil prices are firming around the $90/bbl level.  Oil consumption is on the increase and will place upward pressure on the price.  $100 oil is an easy target.  If the price advances too quickly, the current economic recovery could quickly stall out.  China’s actions to slow their economy will impact the price of oil by restricting consumption.  The global connectivity of commodity prices make it impossible to project short term directions of prices.

The U.S. Dollar has achieved a purpose of extracting true wealth from around the globe.  By being the world’s reserve currency, it has been used to trade for the productive capacity of other countries and direct those resources to those who hold the Dollar.  For example, when I was in Romania in 1993, I could buy a 12 course meal for about $5.  An ice cream cone was five cents.  My Dollars were well received in that country.  With the consistent policy of inflation of Dollars, we buy goods and services then pay for them with a lower value.  The problem is that in Kingdom economics this is a sin of unequal weights and measures.  At some point the Dollar will be judged and found lacking.  The timing will be according to Our Heavenly Father’s perfect plan, will, and purpose.  I trust that HE will prepare HIS sons and daughters for this event.  As each of us dwells in HIS Word and Presence, we will be led to make preparations for such an event in whatever form it takes.

People are addicted to drugs, things, making money, achieving stardom, and any other thing that would strengthen and support pride, ego, and the flesh.  This causes them to be blinded from the truth, wisdom, and understanding.  What is so obvious to those who are not blind has been withheld from those who are.  Our prayers should be for Our Heavenly Father to lift the veil from those who are blind (including our own partial blindness).  We cannot know just how HE would do that but throughout history HE has removed any distractions such as their temporary wealth, houses, and other trappings.  It would not surprise me to see HIM perform another “cleansing” as HE has done so many times for the Kingdom economy will not be run in the same fashion as the current system.  As always, HE will raise up a people to lead others toward HIS Kingdom.  May the readers of this blog be in that company.

1/11/11 Update

Thursday, January 6th, 2011

As I was reading the series on the Book of Romans by Dr. Jones, a comment he made caught my attention: 

“We are without excuse, for God poured out His Spirit upon us from 1900-1910. The early Pentecostal movement had opportunity to change the hearts of the people and cause them to re-establish the rule of Jesus Christ in America. Yet in 1910 they denominationalized the move of the Spirit and rejected the direct rule of Jesus Christ.”

This caused me to reflect on the story of George Parham’s prayer group who ushered in the above Pentecostal movement:

As they searched the scriptures, they came up with one great problem – what about the second chapter of Acts? In December 1900, Parham sent his students at work to diligently search the scriptures for the Biblical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. They all came back with the same answer – when the baptism in the Holy Spirit came to the early disciples, the indisputable proof on each occasion was that they spoke with other tongues.
Armed with this head knowledge, they now sought to have it worked out in their own hearts. Parham called a watch night service on December 31, 1900. He assembled about 75 people including the 40 students. One of the students, Agnes N. Ozman asked that hands might be laid upon her to receive the Holy Spirit since she desired to go to foreign lands as a missionary. According to Parham, after midnight on January 1, 1901, he laid hands upon her and:
"I had scarcely repeated three dozen sentences when a glory fell upon her, a halo seemed to surround her head and face, and she began speaking in the Chinese language, and was unable to speak English for three days. When she tried to write in English to tell us of her experience she wrote the Chinese, copies of which we still have in newspapers printed at that time."  See:

Then I recalled the revelation Our Heavenly Father imparted for New Year’s Day as being a “Passover” for 1/1/10.  Dr. Jones wrote about its relevance which I will not expound on it here.  Parham’s focus began in October around the Feast days with it culminating on New Year’s Day.  We are roughly 111 years from the year that the Pentecost revival had its roots.  Could it be that after 111 years on 1/11/11 at 1:11:11PM that the Tabernacles manifestation begins in earnest?  You will notice that Agnes OZman had a halo (or glory) surround only her head and face.   Hmmm!

Remembering who we are

Thursday, January 6th, 2011

John 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, [then] are ye my disciples indeed;

John 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Are you controlled by what you see with your eyes or are you led by the Spirit of GOD?  In these days of volatility, fear can easily grip those who are subject to their flesh.  The flesh is a harsh taskmaster and the ego would have you believe that you must be in compliance with the world’s demands, ways, and direction.  We are constantly bombarded with external stimuli that would sway our perception away from the Word of GOD.  There are those who want to set up a new constitutional government to replace the current system.  I would suggest that the only government that could be a true solution is a Theocracy where Our Heavenly Father and HIS Word determine the path of mankind.  Anything else is simply more of the same.  Men in control will always move the citizenry toward greater bondage, not less.  The truth “makes” you free from bondage.  Your physical senses will betray you by promoting the desires of the flesh.  Exercise creates stress that promotes growth and health whereas slothfulness promotes death.

We are all subject to someone and none of us has complete independence from a greater power.  The only question is whether we choose to walk in bondage to the flesh.  As we continue in the word, order, direction, revelation of Jesus, we will know the truth, revelation, mystery, and mind of Our Heavenly Father.  This truth will make us free from the bondage of sin and death.  This is a continuous walk and will be tested as we proceed on this path.  We will be “stress tested” to see in our walk is sincere or a passing fancy.  As we mature, the tests have less impact on us to the point of them becoming a non-issue.  What was once a crisis is now simply an irritation.  Our confidence in the revelation Our Heavenly Father has imparted to us grows and becomes alive in our daily walk.  Yes, there will be challenges to the revelation but it will not be dislodged from the reality of our lives.

Slowly killing the patient

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

It is not “Business as usual”.  We are in the midst of epic government intervention with Quantitative Easing by the Federal Reserve at the forefront.  Mal-investments are not allowed to fail and cleanse the system.  Instead, the government claims that they are too big to fail and prop them up with our money.  On the other hand, you and I are in the “too small to care about” category.  This is why unemployment is officially 9.8% with the true rate much higher.

Why aren’t we seeing the same results as the 1930’s?  It is because our infrastructure is more advanced and people who are still working have sufficient assets to help those without.  This reality does not change the fact that we are at risk.  Complexity evokes a more severe contraction once it fails.

Alternative energy is not working.  The concentration of energy contained in oil and gas are much greater than most of the alternatives.  More agencies are admitting peak oil occurred between 2005 and 2006.  The cost of energy will continue to rise and unless there is a global depression, expect gasoline prices  to remain strong.  Rail base transports will do well.  Government subsidies of ethanol are simply throwing away money that could be used for better purposes.  We all love the farmers but subsidizing ethanol will only delay the inevitable.

Ben Bernanke will continue to depreciate the Dollar and he will defend an inflationary path.  This means that he must keep rates low to encourage consumer spending.  Absent that, the government must spend which is occurring at an epic pace.

Christmas spending was up but I believe it was do to pent up demand by families holding off until the Christmas season.  Now we are back to removing debt from our balance sheets.  Everyone needed a breather over the Christmas holidays and many of the restaurants were full again.  After New Year’s Eve, the restaurant lines had vanished, once again.

Oil will be the hot topic among the press.  A former Shell exec is making the rounds on the TV circuit laying the groundwork for expected higher oil prices.  We have been warning about  this for some time now.  Prepare yourself for $3-$4 gas at the pump.  See:

Nobody knows how to manage this global economy except Our Heavenly Father.  It is simply too complex.  In the meantime, expect volatility of commodity prices.  The gold bull market is still intact and will try to shake off all timid investors.