Archive for September, 2012

Piercing the body- Statute #72

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

Leviticus 19:28 ‘You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.  NKJV

There are many examples of piercing the earlobe in Scripture.  This is different the cutting or piercing other parts of the body.  The earlobe as well as the end of the nose are at the outer parts of the body.  However piercing or cutting the body along various electrical pathways of conductance and placing metal at those pathways could prove to be dangerous to your future health.  “For the dead” is also translated “for the soul”.

Body piercing has gained popularity along with tattooing.  Your soul wants to take control of your body from your spiritual man.  What greater defiance than to satisfy your ego in defying your body’s natural defense mechanism against cutting itself intentionally.  Cutting the body causes scar tissue to form, indicating a past intrusion to the body.  This is a sign of injury and indicates an interruption to normality.  Intentional cutting indicates a lack of acceptance to one’s GOD given body as a Temple of the Most Holy Spirit.  Out of HIS Love for us, Our Heavenly Father warned us against cutting or piercing our bodies in order that we may have long, healthy life.

When one considers that Love motivated all Statutes in the Scripture, we must not discount those Statutes and rationalize why they no longer apply.  Our electrical pathways are just as critical to us today as they were to the Israelites at Mount Sinai.