Perilous Times

September 18th, 2013

There are so many economic issues out there, one must summarize them to keep perspective:

Massive accumulation of debt at the Federal level

An ever- expanding Fed balance sheet with no realistic exit plan- Tapering Bond purchases could send the economy into a deeper contraction

The Real Estate sector has not recovered

No resolution to unfunded liabilities/entitlement programs- they are thought to be untouchable and they are growing

Record disability & food stamp recipients- the numbers are huge and growing

Record low labor force participation rate-  the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has caused employers to cease hiring full-time employees and discouraged workers are removed from the unemployment numbers to paint a better picture

Stressed states/municipalities- expect more bankruptcies and curtailment of services, increase in fees

Five-fold increase in federal student loan debt- if you can’t get a job, go back to school.  The costs have skyrocketed

A surge in margin debt- Investors are leveraging up in an attempt to generate income, the risky way.

Foreigners selling our debt at a steady pace-  Foreigners have become net sellers of U.S. debt.  They don’t trust us

Backwardation in the gold market- People don’t want to wait for their physical gold, they don’t trust the future ability to deliver gold

Increasing homeless population- Los Angeles has over 50,000 homeless.  Other cities are seeing increases as well

Inflation is running higher than reported.  Simply go out to eat and see what you are paying for the privilege.  Do you remember when $3.50 gasoline was on the news?

The “morality” index is pushing to an all time low.  The family structure is being redefined by Hollywood.  The theme is total dysfunction.  Sex, crime, lies, and deception are all themes that are now promoted to the populace.  One of Denver’s biggest economic boosts is the marijuana industry.  Drug stores are now on every corner.  If they didn’t see the pharmaceutical business increasing, they would not spend the money in expansion.  Fast food and many grocery items contain so many chemicals that our bodies are now overloaded with toxins.  People living in farming communities are being exposed to pesticides that are now promoting cancer and other diseases at an alarming rate.  It’s like the use of chemical weapons at a slow rate of exposure.

Our Heavenly Father designed a process for living life in a blessed manner: First get wisdom, then understanding, then knowledge, then skill.  The above list is long and undistinguished because people skipped wisdom and understanding.  They simply viewed knowledge and skill as the key to success.  Without wisdom and understanding, you will create an environment destined to fail.  Wisdom comes from Above.  Understanding follows.  There will be a great “reset” because these current systems in place will crumble soon.  Our redemption draweth nigh!

532: Promoting Unity

September 17th, 2013

When Our Heavenly Father led us to call forth the Second Census, we did so with very few details.  Over the last 42 years, HE has called me to respond to HIS Word many times.  When I did, the result was successful.  When I didn’t, the result was often ugly.  I had to learn to become an “Amen” person.  So be it.  Yes, LORD.  When I was a young man, I thought I was indestructible and knew what was best.  Our Heavenly Father patiently guided me through the tests and trials, allowing me to see who knows best.  Obviously, it was not me.

Acknowledging HIS ways are higher than my ways was a step in the right direction.  Becoming teachable and correctible were critical to my maturity as a son.  Concerning new activities: Instead of doing something until HE prevented me from proceeding, I have learned and continue to learn to do nothing until I hear HIM.  Our goal should be to respond to HIS Word when called upon and not commit to fruitless activities that prevent our availability to HIS specific direction.  I am “wired” to be a doer, ask my wife.  “Doing nothing” takes discipline.  However, Our Heavenly Father placed that attribute in me for my calling of “service” to mankind.  When another Board Member of Servias called me and Our Heavenly Father had told him that I should conduct this Census, my wife and I inquired of HIM.  I wasn’t looking take on an activity of this nature but Our Heavenly Father wanted to establish this Census by two or three witnesses.  Had HE told just me, then there might be a question of intent, especially when we are dealing with money.  Anytime there is a monetary aspect to an activity, the level of scrutiny dramatically increases.  This is why Servias Ministries was willing to provide as many of the ransom coins as needed… even all of them.  I no longer have a reluctance to open the checkbook when Our Heavenly Father assigns me a task.

Once HE confirmed to us that a Second Census was at hand, we asked the question, “How long?”.  HE told us the end date was the Day of Atonement.  I had to look up the date.  I did not realize until yesterday that this is the earliest day of our calendar that this feast day could occur, a “coincidence” indeed.

Why a silver coin?  We needed to be lawful according to Scripture.

What did we do with each coin?  No, we didn’t throw them into a coin bag.  We purchased coin sleeves to fit in 3 ring binders.  Each coin and a piece of paper with the name of the person was placed in a coin sleeve.  Each person was registered on our server.  Additionally, each person was registered in an internal file we keep for financial accounting.  My assistant had her hands full.


Each sleeve contained 20 slots, the number of redemption, how appropriate.

What was our Census target?  We had no clue.  Our Heavenly Father is the only One Who knew.  I knew we would have at least four respond: Both Board Members and our wives, but that was it.  When we registered 49 and 50, I was excited.  144,153, 300 were all hopeful numbers.  At 414 (cursed time), I was hoping for at least one more registration, as you can imagine.  I had discovered that Stephen Jones’ First Census concluded with 490.  That would be a good number.  We were at 487 and then “nothing”, and found out that there had been a challenge filed in the Divine Court concerning the Census.  We inquired of Our Heavenly Father and successfully responded to the challenge.  Suddenly, 3 more registered and we were at 490 with seven days left.  I would have called it “good” then.  Nonetheless, we had time left and I pondered what the number would be.  510 looked good with “51” being Divine Revelation.  At sundown on the Day of Atonement, four of us checked the registration and witnessed the total:

Census Final Totals

I have already covered some of the meanings of 532.

The foundation of Solomon’s temple was laid 440 years after the Jordan crossing.

44 is tied to Isaiah 22:22  The Key of David, which I believe is Love.  This is consistent in that the “Assistance Offered” are people who out of Love for the brethren gave additional coins to cover the ransom for others.

94 is associated with “the proud humbled”.  It was important that those without means not let pride keep them from registering.  We all have been humbled at one time or another.

657 is the total of all people who have thus far registered at since inception.  This number refers to 1 Chronicles 12:16, the growth of David’s army.

Why did Our Heavenly Father assign me to head up this Census?  HE had tested me previously with a gold coin I was to carry with me for an undisclosed amount of time and found out later it was to be used in establishing a covenant with the wealth of China.  See:  I was faithful with the one gold coin so HE could assign me to a greater task.  My willingness to respond to HIS Word qualified me.  If I had not responded, HE would have used someone else.

This Census has many facets of revelation connected with it.  First and foremost it is about Love.  Cheerful givers have no issue with paying a ransom.  Secondly, it is about unity.  The one thing that prevented the children of Israel from entering into the Promised Land was lack of unity with Our Heavenly Father.  They were divided.  That lack of unity brought forth 38 1/2 hears of wandering in the wilderness.  Their unbelief and lack of trust in Our Heavenly Father prevented them from the blessings of obedience.  Our Heavenly Father requires us to act in faith.  Registering was an act of faith.

What will we do with the Census coins?  I have received no instruction at this time.  We will oversee this “treasury” until Our Heavenly Father reveals the next step.  This is no different than me carrying a gold coin everywhere I went until finally instructed to give to the man in Toronto.  When I received the coin, Toronto was not even on my “radar”.  As this all unfolds, I am hopeful we will all see HIS Plan come together in HIS timing, of course.

What’s Next?

September 16th, 2013

The purpose of the Second Census was to count the people in relation to inheritance.  This was just previous to entering the Promised Land.  In the Book of Joshua, the people arrived on the 10th day of the first month, a Passover event.  Originally, they were suppose to arrive on the 10th day of the seventh month, a Tabernacles event, thus they spent 38 1/2 years in the wilderness because of their unbelief, being tried and tested.

The Remnant is called to pave the way for all of creation to enter into HIS rest.  It is appropriate for this Census to end on this particular Day of Atonement.  In terms of the Gregorian calendar, the earliest date on which Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) can fall is September 14, as happened in 1899 and happened again in this year, 2013.  The Jewish community views this as the Holiest day of the year.  It is also tied to the deliverance in the Book of Esther (Yom Ke-Purim).  At my first Tabernacles conference in 1996, I was unexpectedly asked to speak and I had just completed an exhaustive study of the Book of Esther thus I covered the story of Purim.  At the time, I knew of no connection to Tabernacles.

If there is anything about the aspiring overcomers, they desire to enter the fullness as early as possible.  As indicated above, this is the earliest date we could enter the Promised Land.  Before conquering the land, all of the males had to be circumcised and wait three days.  What happened then in the physical is now to occur in the spirit.  This is why I wrote “The Circumcised Heart of Love”.  To conquer the inhabitants in the land (the world), it must be accomplished by Love, the unconditional kind.

Today’s Online Bible Study

September 15th, 2013

At 3 PM Central Daylight Time we will have our next Bible Study live on the Internet. Servias Ministries offers this to allow our brothers and sisters around the world to pursue the most important characteristic of Our Heavenly Father with us. HIS Love is the primary motivation in which all of creation is framed. All aspects of understanding the depth of Scripture require us to view revelation from a standpoint of Love.

Notify your friends of our Bible Study and give them an opportunity to join us. As the Revelation of Love expands our the globe, people’s lives will be transformed.

This week we will continue our study that follows Dr. Speckhart’s new book: "Quantum and Non-Quantum States of the Lord Jesus Christ" and he will be with us for this broadcast and we plan to begin the discussion in Chapter 12 .

To participate live or watch this Bible study as a recording afterwards, go to


September 15th, 2013

The Second Census has concluded.  The total registration for this Census was 532.  In reviewing earlier writings proclaiming and explaining the Census, I discovered that on May 3rd I wrote a blog about two dreams my wife had.  The blog was titled “411:Further Information about the Census”. (The original blog: The dreams:

1st Dream

On the morning of May 1st, the first day of the Census, my wife had a prophetic dream.  In the dream we were at a large gathering and there were many booths set up.  She could see many people but could not see their faces clearly.  She saw me talking to this very tall, large, muscular man who towered above me.  It was clearly an angel.  I came over to her with this pill I received from the man.  It was a large, clear pill containing an iridescent gel.  She immediately commented “another pill to add to our regimen of supplements!”  I sternly replied “Just take the pill!” (End of Dream)  I was reminded of Martin Paulat’s comments back in the 1990’s about his blood in his veins becoming “congealed light”.  His blood had transformed into light and was flowing and glowing throughout his body.


2nd Dream

Yesterday, May 2nd, my wife had a second dream.  She had been awaken at 5:32, went back to sleep, and had the dream.  Once again there were indescribable people and she was given the Word “Acts” and the numbers “one to ten”.  Then she was strongly and emphatically given the word “thoroughly” .  She woke up.  We inquired of Our Heavenly Father about the dream and were given the reference: Luke 13:20  And again He said, “To what shall I liken the kingdom of God? 21 It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.”  Acts Chapters 1 through 10 provide a detailed account: from the preparation of disciples to the preaching to the Gentiles.  This was the essence of the mandate to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel”.  The remnant is the lump that spread the Gospel to the whole world until it is all “leavened”.


My wife is not a “numbers” person so when she specifically mentions a number in a prophetic sense, I pay close attention.  Previous to the second dream, Our Heavenly Father had her focus on the time, it was 5:32.  This number had special meaning to me since it was the house number where I spent my childhood on Fairchild Drive.  532 is the Paschal Lamb cycle: 7 x 76 = 532 (Spiritual Perfection x cleansing).  From the Edict of Cyrus (Isaiah 45:03) to the birth of Jesus was 532 years.  See:  The purpose of cleansing is putting away sin and corruption.  Much suffering takes place during the cleansing process as the heart is circumcised.

Little did I realize the impact of this number on the Census.  This is a another confirmation and witness of the Divine Intent for this Second Census.  Now that the Second Census is complete, the stage is set for the next manifestation on earth.  Our Heavenly Father has yet to disclose the impact and fullness of this Census.  We will see how all of this unfolds.  I conferred with Stephen Jones last night since he was led to do the First Census twenty years ago.  The registration of the First Census was 490.  The current registration was increased by 42.  The number “42” denotes “Arrival” in Scripture.  As I have written in past blogs about this Census, “Inheritance” is the theme of the Second Census, entering into the Promised Land.  The Children of Israel moved 41 times in the wilderness.  Their 42nd move was into the Promised Land.  Additionally, In Matthew Chapter 1:

17 So all the generations from Abraham to David [are] fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon [are] fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ [are] fourteen generations.

“Until the Christ” are 42 generations.  “Christ” means “the anointed”.  Is the “arrival” of the Tabernacles anointing (the pill) now at hand?

By necessity, we had to file all of the Census coins into two books.  The books weigh as much as stone tablets I assure you.  We will retain the Census coins until Our Heavenly Father discloses to us what action to take with these coins.

I woke up this morning at 4:11 to write this report.  As is my custom, I ask Our Heavenly Father to guide me to any relevant Scripture to include.  If you consider the dreams and the facts above, you can appreciate where HE sent me this morning:

Daniel 12:1 "At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands [watch] over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, [Even] to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Every one who is found written in the book.

2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, Some to everlasting life, Some to shame [and] everlasting contempt.

3 Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever.

4 "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."

5 Then I, Daniel, looked; and there stood two others, one on this riverbank and the other on that riverbank.

6 And [one] said to the man clothed in linen, who [was] above the waters of the river, "How long shall the fulfillment of these wonders [be]?"

7 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who [was] above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that [it shall be] for a time, times, and half [a time]; and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these [things] shall be finished.

8 Although I heard, I did not understand. Then I said, "My lord, what [shall be] the end of these [things]?"

9 And he said, "Go [your way], Daniel, for the words [are] closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

10 "Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.

11 "And from the time [that] the daily [sacrifice] is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, [there shall be] one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12 "Blessed [is] he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.

13 "But you, go [your way] till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days."

“Now is the time.”

The Treasury of Intent

September 14th, 2013

Mark 12:41 Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. 42 Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. 43 So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.”

There is much you could say about the story of the widow’s mites but it really all boils down to intent.  Do you give out of duty or do you give out of Love or intent.  There have been many denominations to promote the duty of giving thus they have their reward.  But when you give because you heard Our Heavenly Father’s Word to give and, out of your Love for HIM, your reward comes from Heaven.

The “widow’s mites” story is also presented in Luke 21.  In both cases, the next topic of discussion was the destruction of the Temple.  Jesus focused on the intent of the people’s heart through His observation of their giving.  This is why I have mentioned in the past to simply look at your checkbook: it reflects your intent, your direction, and your focus.  Fleshly, self-serving intent will ultimately bring forth destruction.

In the Book of Job, his friends reason with him about why he is being punished.  Speech after speech, they come up with their own ideas of why his life is in such a mess.  Finally in Chapter 38, The LORD Reveals His Omnipotence to Job be posing the “who’s, what’s and wherefore’s” to Job.  Our Heavenly Father brings up one aspect of a treasury:

22 ​​“Have you entered the treasury of snow,

​​Or have you seen the treasury of hail,

23 ​​Which I have reserved for the time of trouble,

​​For the day of battle and war?

Snow represents revelation in Scripture.  Hail represents truth.  If one is called to be a “treasurer”, wouldn’t the greatest treasury to receive and administer and distribute be truth and revelation?  Doesn’t truth and revelation direct you to Redemption and Divine Nature?  Silver represents “redemption” in Scripture.  Gold represents “Divine Nature”.  The treasury deals in all three realms: spirit, soul, and body.

Our Heavenly Father speaks of HIS treasure in the Blessings on Obedience toward the children of Israel “Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today”;

Deuteronomy 28:12 “The LORD will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.

If you are a farmer, rain is a treasure.  If you are a carpenter, the skillful work of your hand is a treasure.  Our gifts and our callings are treasures.  The treasury could be a depository for gifts and callings to be deployed in the future, based on specific directions by Our Heavenly Father.  This treasury could even be a “database” of those gifts and callings awaiting deployment.  Could this be one reason HE had us create the infrastructure of  Maybe a treasurer’s office isn’t just about money.  Solomon sought wisdom.  Gold and silver in the treasury was a by product, not the focus.  The revelation of Love, the cornerstone that holds up all of creation, is the real treasure, and that is the treasury I seek to administer.  All the other pillars of Wisdom are measured and placed in position relative to this cornerstone.  Love has a greater value to a treasury than anything else that could be deposited for safekeeping.

Third Smackdown of Gold & Silver

September 13th, 2013

On Tuesday, July 16th, I stated in the blog that I expected another smackdown of gold & silver.  It has arrived.  With all the talk of tapering, the Federal Reserve needed to project the illusion (via gold price) that all is well.  Has anything improved?  Not at all, it has only gotten worse.

True U.S. unemployment remains at 23% according to

Poland wiped out 50% of the value of pension funds by “nationalizing” them.

It is now being reported that Larry Summers will be Obama’s pick to replace Bernanke.  Summers was one of the architects who facilitated the current “casino” environment.  His net worth now looks mighty nice, by the way.

Oil price remains stubbornly high.  Inflation is showing up everywhere among the average consumers. $2.19 for IHOP coffee?  Remember when $3.55 per gallon of gasoline was major news?

China and India are huge buyers of gold, causing short supply.

FDIC announced foreign branch deposits of American banks are not insured. ($25 Billion fund covering $19.2 Trillion in deposits… Oh well!)

Healthcare cost are going to skyrocket… even more (unless you are a member of Congress).

Average European business activity is down 10-50%: “Greek unemployment rises to record 27.9 percent in June

State, county, and local governments are being fiscally challenged to stay afloat with the burden of pensions.

U.S. Housing activity has not recovered: “U.S. Mortgage Applications Down 13.5% in Latest Week – MBA

The Federal Reserve recently purchased 103% of Treasury Bonds during a month.  Others are unloading their positions.

Treasury Bond rates are going up causing losses to existing bondholders.

It is tough to make everyone believe that “all is well”.  The Kings of the East are taking the Western central planners to task.  The house of cards cannot sustain the illusion much longer.  Only Our Heavenly Father knows the day of reckoning.  Continue to focus on your relationship with HIM.  HE is the only one who knows how to navigate us through the coming economic minefield.  Fear not, there is a sure path to the other side.  In the meantime, both gold & silver prices are supporting further accumulation by those who believe they are a true store of wealth. Daily Availability

September 13th, 2013

We take the site down each night for maintenance, backups, etc.  It is up until 11:30 PM CDT and is restarted at 4:00 AM CDT.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  Larger entities have parallel servers that "switch" during these times and appear to be up 24×7.

Unfortunately, our friends in other countries are affected by this.  One day we may be able to justify a larger infrastructure to accommodate 24 hour access.

The Hardness of Your Heart

September 12th, 2013

Why do we need a court system?  It is because unconditional Love does not prevail in the hearts of men.  With some, phileō love, the conditional love resides in their hearts.  With most, fleshly love prevails.

If men are in unity, they don’t need a court to decide their differences.  They have wisdom which makes each of them teachable and correctible.  One or both lack the understanding and knowledge to resolve the difference.  By wisdom and understanding the difference is resolved.  They don’t need another man to settle the matter.  As a matter of fact, if they both walk in unconditional Love, a difference can hardly take place, if at all.

The hardness of men’s hearts prevents them from receiving wisdom and understanding.  Preceding wisdom is Love.  It prepares the heart for wisdom.  Moses was called to convey the Law to the children of Israel in the Wilderness.  Why?  They did not want to hear the voice of Our Heavenly Father.  They wanted a man to be their advocate, thus began the court system.  The need for 613 commandments and statutes arose because of the hardness of their hearts.  They could not receive wisdom from Above.  This “hardness” produces division.  Division promotes bitterness, envy, and strife.  When Love is gone, scarcity prevails.  This then causes men to try to take someone else’s resources through the court system, often by misrepresentation of the Truth.  At the family level, the hardness of the heart produces divorce.  If a husband and wife are not in unity, the process of separation proceeds and produces its own fruit, divorce.  Jesus had a “corrective” interview with the Pharisees:

Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

We must ask ourselves the following question, “Am I promoting unity or division?”.  Depending on your answer, there might need to be some “hardness” to deal with.

Confiscation of Wealth

September 11th, 2013

Poland has begun confiscating the wealth of its citizens by nationalizing retirement accounts.  This opens the door for the rest of the world’s governments to do the same.  Confiscation of wealth has been occurring throughout history.  Slave labor by Egypt was a confiscation of wealth of the Israelites.  At the end of the judgment period, the books were balanced.  Israel departed Egypt with much wealth.  This provided funds for the Census, then the building of the Tabernacle in the wilderness.  Exploitation of labor has been occurring in virtually every country.  Financial instruments have been designed to confiscate wealth.  The Federal Reserve was designed to confiscate wealth by depreciating the U.S. Dollar in a subtle, slow fashion.  However, the depreciation is beginning to accelerate.  Physical assets that don’t readily depreciate are a hedge or protection against devaluation.  Gold, silver, oil & gas reserves, and productive farmland are all stores of value to some degree.  Housing may or may not be, depending on the local market demand.  I generally view my home as a necessary expense.  It can only be classified as an investment when you sell it and collect the proceeds.  If you are able to buy a cheaper house and bank the difference, then it was an investment.  Otherwise, you transferred an expense to another location.

The western central planners have 3 primary price targets:

Keep gold under $1,400 per ounce

Keep silver under $24 per ounce

Keep the Dow Jones Industrial Average over 15,000

As the corresponding prices depart from these targets, we will be able to see the loss of Western influence around the globe.  These people have manage to maintain some level of control for decades.  Their ultimate goal is to wrestle money and power from all others.  They want all of mankind to serve them.  They think there are too many people thus they encourage and finance war.  This is evil at its worst.  We have been warned of these times in Scripture but are encouraged to remain steadfast.  Be encouraged that Our Heavenly Father will snare these people in their own devices and craftiness.  As the Kings of the East continue their quest to increase gold and silver reserves, there will come a day when the above indicators will suddenly move against the western planners.  Volatility will take over in the markets and men will become fearful of the future.  Fear will grip the hearts of men when the illusion of their wealth evaporates.  They will then look for answers elsewhere.  Our Heavenly Father continues to mature the Sons of GOD in preparation for that fateful day.