The Three Intents of Man

Mankind is generally motivated by one of three different intents.  All three may be operating simultaneously in the same individual depending on the circumstances.  That tends to cause confusion in the person’s mind and is one of the reasons why people will not change.  They look at only a portion of their actions and point to them as though the lower levels of intent were not operating in them.  Thus they rationalize why they don’t need to grow, a sign of immaturity.  These three intents parallel the three feasts Our Heavenly Father established for all men to observe:  Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.  They also parallel three types of “love”.

Selfishness is the “love” of self and is focused on preserving one’s current state.  Fear is a primary motivator for this type of person.  They are afraid of giving up their current state of existence, they have fear of the unknown.  They are also afraid of being rejected.  Everything they do and think is centered around self-preservation, even at the expense of others.  They will subtly scheme to get their way and are lawless in their hearts even though they may appear to be compliant.  They seek salvation to save their souls.  After all, none of us want to die or burn in hell.  Immature Christians often stay in this category for they want to maintain their “fire” insurance and still preserve their current self-motivated walk.  They have an attitude of division:  me versus everyone else.

The Law was given at Pentecost.  Hearing Our Heavenly Father’s Voice was at the center of this event.  Moses received the Ten Commandments and fellowshipped with Our Heavenly Father.  This feast parallels phileo love.  This type of love is conditional, the second type of intent.  If you do this or that, I will love you.  This is akin to a contract, or legal agreement.  In the church environment, this attitude of conditions has been perpetuated and has permeated the thinking of Christians.  If you pray enough, you will be healed.  If you cry enough, Our Heavenly Father will finally heal you.  If you confess enough prosperity Scriptures, you will be financially rewarded.  This type of love centers around the Law of conditions.  This group views their relationship to Our Heavenly Father primarily through the Law.  HE is viewed as the enforcer and will punish those who challenge HIM.  This group also has an attitude of division:  us against them.  This intent is focused on enforcement of behavior according to some law.

The third intent of man is represented by unconditional Love. The Law is no longer the primary focus because those who walking according to this level of intent need no enforcement.  They cheerfully walk out their life laying down their life for others.  Does that do away with the Law?  No.  They simply obey the intent of the Law and are not subject to its enforcement.  The third feast (Tabernacles) parallels this understanding.  It promotes unity among the brethren.  Men have progressed passed the conditional aspects of phileo love.  “Self” has finally died and is no longer a motivating force.  Does this do away with the Law?  No.  The Law arises out of Our Heavenly Father’s Divine Intent to create order.  By necessity, the Law is kept in place for those who are operating in the selfish and conditional states.

The Age of Pentecost has been a time where all three states would operate simultaneously.  You might be selfish one day, conditionally love the next, and finally act in a selfless Love.  The problem is inconsistency.  As we mature, we shed the selfishness.  Those acts and thoughts occur less often.  As we take on Our Heavenly Father’s nature, we will begin to see those around us in the various states of intent.  We will require enforcement of “the law” only to help them grow in their own understanding of the three types of intent, not to gain personal satisfaction of being an enforcer.  Our Heavenly Father did not do away with the Law when HE sent HIS Son.  Jesus revealed the intent behind The Law.  The Law is still in place and will continue to be enforced until the intent of all men is Love.  Until then, expect judgment to occur, for corrective purposes only… For GOD so LOVED!

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