Another Facet of Aura

Shared by Michelle in Canada:

“I find it rather fascinating that this pandemic is based on what is called corvid-19or corona virus 19. Have you considered the meaning of corona? In medical anatomic nomenclature, it means an eminence or encircling structure that resembles a crown. In science, it is the aura of plasma that surrounds the Sun and other stars. Adding to this, consider the meanings of the words used in the above: Eminence means great distinction or superiority; a person of high station. The etymology of aura is from Latin and ancient Greek meaning wind, breeze, or breath. In Middle English, it meant gentle breeze. One with any level of discernment should immediately see the connection to our Lord Jesus, who is crowned with glory and honor as the King of all. He wears the crown of the universe, of all of God’s creation as Son (Sun), the Light of the world. He has the highest station of all humanity and all created beings throughout God’s creation. He is above all and over all. He is superior and preeminent in all things: He is … the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the pre-eminence (Colossians 1:18).He is the life-giving spirit that breathes the life of God into people by His holy spirit, which the Mitchell translation calls the Set Apart Breath-effect. He is the fresh breeze that brings relief to humanity. He is the wind that blows across the globe to give new life. He is the breath of God. Apart from Him, there is only death, but in Him, there is abundant life. There is one more thing to note, and that is the number 19, which signifies faith or, as one commentator claims, faith and hearing together. According to E.W. Bullinger, nineteen is a combination of 10 and 9, and denotes the perfection of Divine order connected with judgment. Surely, you can see the connection in all of this, given the day in which we live. We are called to live by faith, and this faith is in the very one who gives us life and is coming as the Judge to rescue us and establish and perfect God’s order on earth. Our eyes must be opened—you see, it is time to awaken from our sleep—to see the very love of our life, our lover who is standing, ready to meet us in air. Our ears must be opened to hear His voice in this day. We have the anointing within us to hear the spirit of truth. We don’t need hearing aids any longer—that is, seeking out others for their voice, hearing through their teaching. The anointing will teach us all things. This, too, takes faith to believe—that He can and will speak to us directly in spirit.  When the Lord broke into my life nearly forty years ago, I saw Him standing as the conqueror over all of God’s creation. Today, I announce He is standing and His long-awaited arrival is imminent!”

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