The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 5

My Beloved Brother Steve continues and I share it in installments with you:

Capturing the Eye

“The eye is the portable oil-filled lamp of the physical body; if, by extension, then, your eye is simple, singular, undivided and without a secret agenda, then each and every part of the totality of your body will be present working together as a whole and you will be brilliant, revealing and describing the nature and revelation of light.

“But, if your eye is pain-ridden with the inevitable miseries that come with evil, then each and every part of the totality of your body will be present working together as a whole in the dark. If, then, the light that is operating from within you is darkness and obscurity, how much and how great is that darkness and obscurity?

“No one is able or empowered to serve or to be a slave to two lords who exercise absolute ownership rights. For he will hate, detest and renounce one, and love and prefer the other. Or, he will lay hold of and hold firmly to one, and view with hostility and look down upon the other. Having willingly assigned all your ownership rights to the owner, you are not able nor empowered to serve or to be a slave to God and to Mammon – your trust and confidence in Wealth.” (Matt. 6:22 – 24)

Once the first objective of capturing the ear is accomplished, the next objective in spiritual warfare is to capture the eye of God’s Man. The eyes set the context for the rest of the body to act.  Whereas the ear of God’s Man gives access to the mind so perspective can be created or changed, the eye of God’s Man gives access to the physical body so the intensions of the perspective can be carried out through his actions.

We, again, see this being played out in the Garden of Eden between the Serpent and Eve:

“Now the serpent fell out to become more crafty, shrewd and sensible than the whole and all of the living that YHVH of the Elohim had made and accomplished in the age of the field and land. And he said to the woman, the wife and female, ‘Yea, has the Elohim not said, you shall eat of the whole and all of every tree in the enclosure of the garden?’

“And the woman, the wife and female, said to the serpent, ‘The fruit of the trees of the enclosure of the garden we may eat.’

 ‘But the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the enclosure of the garden, the Elohim has said you shall not eat from it nor shall you touch, reach for or strike it lest you die.’

“And the serpent said to the woman, the wife and female, ‘In dying you will not die. ‘For the Elohim knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will fall out to become like the Elohim knowing what is beautiful, pleasant, agreeable and good, and what is bad, evil and adverse.’

“So when the woman, the wife and female saw that the tree was beautiful, pleasant, agreeable and good for food and it was charming and a delight to the eyes, and a tree to take pleasure in intelligence, she took of its fruit and ate. And she gave it also to the man who was equally with her and he ate.” (Genesis 3:1 – 6)

What Jesus was saying to His audience (and thus to us), which was likewise demonstrated through Eve’s story, was that only two types of oil or “spirits” can affect the eyes of God’s Man:

1. The oil (Spirit) that produces the light that is Light, or

2. The oil (spirit) that produces the light that is darkness.

Each of these lights has the power to illumine the eyes, which then mobilizes “each and every part of the totality” of the physical body to perform the work of the oil that has inspired it.

The oil or Spirit of the Kingdom of God mobilizes the entirety of Man’s physical body to “be present working together as a whole” to be “brilliant, revealing and describing the nature and revelation of light.”  But, the oil or spirit of the kingdom of darkness mobilizes the entirety of Man’s physical body to “be present working together as a whole in the dark.”

So, one oil enables the Man to know what he’s doing and why, while the other oil keeps Man in the dark so he won’t.  What’s fascinating about this dynamic is that a particular lord controls each of these oils. The Lord God controls the oil of Light. The Lord Mammon controls the oil of darkness that works through our trust and confidence in wealth (money).

This is an important point to remember as we go deeper into the strategic objective of COVID-19.  But for now, the reality is we must choose – to “willingly assign our ownership rights” to one lord or the other. We can’t serve them both.

Once we make our choice, the respective kingdom’s tactical objective in capturing the eye is to set our line of sight. This is an essential precursor to achieving the third objective regarding the theater.

What’s important to take note of here is each kingdom has a particular tell or indicator that signals which one is at work.  When the kingdom of darkness is at work, the person will feel their line of sight being drawn or even pushed downward

to people, things or events. For the religious, this can include being pushed into a passage of scripture or into a belief system. This pushing fixes the eyes in a horizontal line of sight to focus our attention on earthly matters that blind us to what’s actually going on while making us think we see.

When the Kingdom of God is at work, the person will feel their line of sight being drawn upward towards Jesus. This drawing is accompanied by what can best be described as a sense of inquiry, a seeking or a wondering about what is really happening in the earth. This is a vertical line of sight where Jesus is inviting the person to see as He sees. So, the up or down focus of the eyes tells the story.

The more a person is involved WITH Jesus in spiritual warfare, the more astute they become at recognizing these tells. Those who remain horizontally fixed never get there.

All spiritual conflict, then, begins in the earth with a form of spiritually inspired speech that has been accepted and acted upon by a human being. This acceptance by Man, to whom God gave authority over the earth, sets in place a hierarchy of authority between the spiritual kingdom that inspired the speech and Man who rules and administers the earth.

That spiritual kingdom then uses Man’s Elohim authority to advance the intentions of the communication (spiritually inspired speech) in the material world (earth).

This is how God set it up from the beginning. Jesus employs this process to invite God’s Man to participate WITH Him in executing the strategies that have been assigned to this Phase of God’s Plan for the benefit of the Kingdom of God.

Satan uses this process to gain access to Man’s Ruling Class Elohim authority to empower his strategies against God and His Man in both the earth and in the spiritual world.  And so, spiritually inspired speech is the means by which the ears of God’s Man are first captured in route to capturing his eyes, so that through Man the material world can be shaped.

If God’s Man accepts the spiritually inspired speech, then those spiritual thoughts, words and nature and character that embody them are released into the material world to shape it in its image and likeness. If man doesn’t, then the spiritual thoughts, words and character have no means of gaining entrance into the material world leaving the earth unaffected.

This is how the spiritual world affects the material world. This is how it’s initiated, how it’s implemented, how it takes shape in the earth and how it is released, stopped, or sustained.

The kingdom of darkness is employing this very process now with the coronavirus. The global population and institutions of Man, including the Church, have accepted the spiritually inspired speech about the Virus. And in so doing, the Virus has fixed our eyes on it, its dangers and the threats it is imposing on an unsuspecting world, which is mobilizing our behavior to fear and panic.

“So when the woman, the wife and female saw that the tree was beautiful, pleasant, agreeable and good for food and it was charming and a delight to the eyes, and a tree to take pleasure in intelligence, she took of its fruit and ate. And she gave it also to the man who was equally with her and he ate.” (Genesis 3:6)

Capturing the eyes.

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