FATHER’S Perfect Will: Part 3

We must relinquish our own will to FATHER if we want to become fully mature Sons and Daughters.  This results in each of us coming into full unity with FATHER, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit.

Jesus prophesied as He spoke in John chapter 17:

20 “And I ask not only for these disciples,

    but also for all those who will one day

    believe in Me through their message.

21 I pray for them all to be joined together as one

    even as You and I, Father, are joined together as One.

    I pray for them to become one with US

    so that the world will recognize that You sent Me.

22 For the very glory You have given to Me I have given them

    so that they will be joined together as one

    and experience the same unity that We enjoy.

23 You live fully in Me and now I live fully in them

    so that they will experience perfect unity,

    and the world will be convinced that You have sent Me,

    for they will see that You love each one of them

    with the same passionate Love that You have for Me.

In order to walk in the perfect Will of God, we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind.  This will be accomplished as we pray in Tongues and align ourselves with the expressed Divine Intent given to us by The Holy Spirit during our prayer time.  We will be prophesying as we pray daily and our will slowly comes into full submission to FATHER’S Will.  Only then will we be in perfect unity as Jesus prayed.  Only then will the world recognize that we have been sent as Jesus was.

The Sons and Daughters of GOD were given the authority, right, and privilege to become like Him.  John recorded this commitment in chapter 1 by The Holy Spirit:

12  But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right (authority) to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name

Jesus gave you and me the authority to go into the Secret Place, similar to a cocoon, and mature to the point of full metamorphosis where we enter into full alignment with FATHER’S Will.  It requires us to be completely patient with the transformation and not allow ourselves to be sidetracked by the world.  Only those who fully commit will go through the metamorphosis stage.  It is our choice.

Our goal must be complete unity and as we give up our own will for HIS, we are able to come into unity with others who do the same.  Our fruitfulness increases dramatically as we come into one accord and walk out our complimentary ministries as His Body.  The result is an expanding Kingdom of GOD on the earth.

While in the Secret Place of preparation, we have to get ready for breakthrough.  The angels await this breakthrough in order to implement our Books written in Heaven.  Their mission is to do only the perfect Will of GOD and we are the ones who will prophesy and declare those works which brings forth activation of the angels on our behalf.  Let us not delay in entering that stage of preparation so that we will satisfy the requirements of full metamorphosis.

What happens in the Secret Place?  We begin to image ourselves walking as perfect Sons and Daughters of GOD.  This perfection becomes reality as we embrace this image of being in His Likeness.  After all, we were created in His Likeness through Adam before the fall so we do have the capacity and means to return to that image which is held in our spirits.  Our soul will conform to that image as will our body.  Sickness will no longer prevail and be used against us.  We gain supernatural strength as we prepare to leave the cocoon with complete transformation.  Those who are fully committed to this path are known as the Remnant.

When you read and focus on The Word, you image what The Word is saying in your mind.  The more you read, the more you image yourself doing The Word.  This is done in The Secret Place and we must not allow perverse images to compromise us in this critical stage of renewing our minds.  Metamorphosis will cease if we allow the world to enter in.  The adversary and his minions know this and they will attempt to attract you to wrong images.  When we identify their devices, we can then deal with them and overcome them.  They will see our strength and go look for a weaker vessel.  Sometimes it will be a loved one who will attempt to derail us so we must remain vigilant and not allow such devices of the devil to slow down this phase of metamorphosis.  This may require us to distance ourselves from those loved ones during our metamorphic stage.

Our mind is made to help us image what we are reading.  As our mind is transformed, we become the reality of The Word.  We become who we were intended to be before we were formed in the womb.  We are in perfect unity with our Books, the written expression of FATHER’S specific Intent.

FATHER’S thoughts become our thoughts throughout the day.  We see people as HE sees people and we act accordingly toward them.  The fruit of The Holy Spirit becomes the norm in our lives.  Desperate people see this fruit and want to partake of it.  In the times ahead, more and more people will be in this category of desperation and FATHER is preparing HIS Remnant for the coming events instigated by the adversary and his minions.  FATHER is always at least one move ahead of the enemy.

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