Love, Hope, And Faith

Love precedes hope and hope precedes faith.

Paul wrote by THE SPIRIT in 1st Corinthians chapter 13:

12   For now we see but a faint reflection of riddles and mysteries as though reflected in a mirror, but one day we will see face-to-face. My understanding is incomplete now, but one day I will understand everything, just as everything about me has been fully understood.

13 Until then, there are three things that remain: faith, hope, and Love—yet Love surpasses them all. So above all else, let Love be the beautiful prize for which you run.

As we pursue the fullness of Love, we will develop hope through the promises in The Word.  Hope given to us in The Word is then the basis for bringing forth faith.

It is written by The Holy Spirit in Hebrews 11:

1   Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.

2   This testimony of faith is what previous generations were commended for. 3 Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s Words! HE spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen.

The faith movement downplayed hope and only focused on faith.  Yet hope is the basis of faith and the basis of hope is The Word of GOD.  Hope and imagination are effectively the same for unless we can personally imagine ourselves being able to receive the promises of health, healing, blessing, and prosperity, we will be unable to walk in faith for those realities.

Unworthiness keeps believers from activating hope in their lives.  Jesus’ Blood made a worthy and once we received salvation, behold all things are new.  Our spirits are perfect, wanting nothing.  We must then focus on renewing our minds.

Every aspect of unworthiness was dealt with when Jesus died for our sins.  If you are feeling unworthy, repent, accept the work of Jesus at the cross, and move on.  Begin renewing your mind to the promises given to us and appropriate the anointing deposited inside of you so that you can walk as an overcomer in all areas.

Wisdom recorded in Proverbs 13:

12  When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing. But when at last your dream comes true, life’s sweetness (the tree of life) will satisfy your soul.

Adam and Eve were meant to eat of the tree of life in the Garden.  We too are to eat of the Tree of Life and walk in total abundance in all areas.

The Word of Love produces hope which produces faith which produces manifestation.  If you do not allow your imagination to image what The Word says about you, you stop the process.  Don’t allow any aspect of this Truth to be cut off.

Mature Sons and Daughters know who they are and they expect full and complete manifestation of the promises contained in The Word to manifest in their lives.

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